Voting is no more, Ranking is more fun!

Number 1 is Best. 10 is least best However it is still ranked.

So, much better than those for which you haven't voted.

As a non-member you can now rank up to 10 exchanges every single day MUCH more fun than simply voting a 10 for one exchange every day (and much more accurate for overall rankings too!)

If you vote for 10 exchanges your votes will have more meaning than if you vote for just 1 or 2.
The points scored for each exchange is the number of exchanges you ranked divided by the position.
So the more you rank, the more points you are giving each exchange.

Note that all positions add points, i.e. the points are always positive.
Make sure you rank your best performing exchange at 1 NOT 10. With ranking you are comparing the exchanges against each other, so #1 is your best, #10 is your 10th best)

You are ranking:

Program Name

Easy Hits 4U

HUGE membership. VERY fast traffic!

Drag and drop any banner to change your ranking. Remember, #1 is your best performing, #10 your least performing


What if I rank less than 10 programs?

No problem but you must rank at least two for your input to be counted.
If you only rank 3 programs, it makes no difference where you put those 3, just what order they are in.

Is it ok to leave gaps in the rankings?

Absolutely. Just make sure the programs are in the order you would put them in if forced to choose between them.

I want to change my choices

While you can't delete a program you voted for, you can change your ranking. Just drag and drop to an empty position to move it or drop on an existing program to swap with it.

But I have 10 programs and I want to make them all #1!

Sorry, for the ranker to know which programs should be ranked higher and lower, it needs you to choose so that your choice becomes meaningful.

Your 10 chosen programs will come out differently in the overall ranker because so many people are ranking - you may as well help that process!


For all you geeks...

What was wrong with the old system?

There was nothing wrong with the system as such but it didn't encourage meaningful voting. Analysis of votes showed clearly that people typically voted 9 or 10 and occasionally 1 or 2.
This is because if people can be bothered to vote at all, it's usually because they really like a program or they really dislike it. Very, very few votes would be in the range 3-8.

How will the new system improve rankings?

With the new system, you are simply saying that you think program #1 is better than #2, which is better than #3 etc Our unique algorithm will then combine your ranking with all the other peoples' rankings to produce an overall ranking. Note that putting a program in the #10 spot doesn't have to mean that program is bad (it might), simply that it is the worst of the 10 programs you're ranking today.

How can this work if I can only vote 10 programs?

Because you are simply supplying our ranker with information about the relative merit of different exchanges. You can only vote for 10 programs today, rank a different 10 tomorrow if you want.
If you'd like to rank more than 10 programs and have your ranks count permanently join Affiliate Funnel
Then you can enter your rankings in the members area